For Kids: Jesus Moments - Moses | Finding Jesus in the Story of Moses

* I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. All thoughts are my own and I was not required to write a positive review.  

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Bible stories · KIDS · heroes of the bible

Jesus Moments: Moses

Finding jesus in the story of Moses

By Alison Mitchell (Author) and Noah Warnes (Illustrator)

Published by The Good Book Co.


Help 4-7s learn how Moses points to Jesus with this beautifully illustrated Old Testament storybook from Alison Mitchell, the award-winning author of Jesus and the Lions’ Den and The One O’Clock Miracle.

Moments in Moses’ story when something in the story is a little bit like Jesus are signposted with symbols that children need to spot, helping them to understand the relationship between the Old and New Testaments.

My Thoughts:

Our family is loving the Jesus Moments collection of books, and this new addition - Moses - is fantastic!

It’s a fun, interactive book that kept my daughter (age 6) engaged, by visually searching for special bulrushes images as we read to her. Each bulrush marked a “Jesus Moment” in the story. About two thirds of the way through the book, the book asks children if they spotted each of the Jesus Moments, explaining that certain things in the story of Moses and the Israelites time in the wilderness compared to a moment of Jesus’ life on Earth. Each of the moments are then explained in simple terminology and points readers to the salvation message, making this a valuable resource in our home. We loved that it seamlessly and simply tied both the Old and New Testaments together in an entertaining way that was easy for young children to grasp.

This book covers God’s provision of everything we need, how He rescues us and His deep, unfathomable love for us despite our sinning, time and again.

With vibrant, expressive illustrations, this book offers thick, durable pages and a solid hardcover. It comes highly recommended from our family to yours as an interactive book that would be great for any child’s library, but also for children’s ministry programs, in homeschool, or a private school.

Want More Jesus Moments? Check Out The Story of David, Too!

In this book, readers will discover bits and pieces of Jesus’ story in the life of David from the Old Testament in the same engaging, interactive way as the Moses book above. From the same publisher and author, you’ll want this entire series for your own!