Sweet Dreams | Project Life Spread & Journal Entry

This week's prompt is Sweet Dreams... I have thought about this prompt for several days in order to decide what I wanted to document (I rarely get a chance to consider my own prompts, even though I set them weeks ahead of time).  Every time I thought about sweet dreams, I thought about all the dreams Ethan and I have together. The ones we talked about late into the night while planning our wedding... Maybe its because we have an anniversary coming up that I'm feeling so sentimental, but I wanted to document those late night conversations..... So, therefore, I chose to completely journal my week and not include any photos.

"When I was a little girl, I dreamed of marrying a guy who was my best friend. Someone I could talk to. Anytime, all the time.

When Ethan and I met in 2007, we were connected on Myspace via a mutual friend so we communicated through the website at first.  Once we exchanged phone numbers, we'd text and talk on the phone quite a bit. In fact, I remember very clearly the day I met him in person for the first time, we'd talked on the phone for nearly an hour before he made the drive to come meet me and grab some dinner. 

When Ethan and I began dating again in 2010, he was working a third shift. Since we lived a little over an hour apart, he'd call me on the nights we couldn't see each other.  That usually meant me going to sleep at my normal time and him calling to wake me up and talk to me around 3AM.  I remember a few nights sleeping through his calls and I remember even more nights of him falling asleep on the phone while talking to me... 

Regardless of who fell asleep first, that was always one of my favorite parts of our relationship.  Even in the years between dating when we were just friends, we could always talk to each other and hold meaningful, lighthearted conversations. Ethan can always make me laugh and just listening to him makes me feel better after a bad day. Our conversations often turn into dreaming together... Talking about the future and what we want out of life.  I love that's he not afraid to tell me his dreams and allows me to share mine with him.  Its one of the reasons I fell in love with him and the reason he's become my very best friend."