Hidden Song of the Himalayas, a memoir of a Gospel seed sower in the mountains of India, written by Abigail Follows
*I voluntarily received a complimentary e-copy of this book from the author. All thoughts below are my own and I was not required to post a positive review. Also, this blog post includes affiliate links. You can view my affiliate disclaimer here.
Deeply personal, richly authentic and wildly compelling… A true story that is not only powerful, but tremendously inspiring!
Missionary Abigail Follows immerses her readers into her perceptive, intimate and heartfelt story of stepping out in faith to follow God across the world to the remote villages of India. As she writes, the Parvata people and culture come alive in this beautiful, poignant journey to share the Gospel with the unreachable.
God, in case You haven’t noticed… I would not make a good missionary! You have my permission to change my heart, but... good luck!
Following God was the theme of every song Abigail wrote. In fact, it was her faith in God's guidance that had once given her the courage to question her own religious beliefs. But asking others to question theirs? That was another story!
Yet God did change Abigail's heart, and through a series of modern-day miracles, led her and her newlywed husband, Joshua, to India. They were the youngest church planters their mission organization had ever sent anywhere. And they went alone.
In India, Abigail repeated her plea for God to change her heart as she and her husband learned the language and culture of the Parvata people. They faced political, spiritual, and physical obstacles to their goal: to tell their high-caste Hindu friends about Jesus in a way they would understand.
But when Abigail was faced with the possibility of losing what was most important to her, like Abraham of old, she was forced to ask harder questions than she'd ever imagined.
★★★★★ | With her newly released memoir, Hidden Song of the Himalayas, Abigail Follows has given the world a beautiful, poignant gift in sharing about her calling to deliver the Gospel to the remote villages of India.
This incredible story fully immerses readers into her very personal, heartfelt story of stepping out in faith to follow God across the world to a remote village of India, to live and work among the people as she and her husband learn their language, culture and seek to be a witness for Christ.
Hidden Song of the Himalayas reads like a novel, keeping readers fully captivated as the author shares her innermost thoughts and prayers in a transparent way, creating a profound authenticity to this book. Follow along on her journey, walking the village streets and neighboring hillsides, meeting the people there and calling them friends and family. From bearing and raising children in a foreign land while learning to cook the food, navigate the culture and share the Gospel, Abigail Follows creates a perceptive, intimate and richly authentic story that flows from her heart.
I found this book to be absolutely magnetic as the people she met, joys she discovered, trials she endured and faith she grew in offered an incredibly insightful glimpse into the lives of those who sacrificially serve in missions overseas. It also served as an eye-opening glimpse into a culture riddled with idolatry, traditions and poverty, yet so very strong in familial bonds and love. This memoir is powerful, deeply emotional and most definitely inspiring.
While the story doesn’t end exactly as one would hope, it ends with the very real challenge missionary families face and the truth that God uses each of us in His time, for His purposes and His plan, if only we are willing to follow His call, wherever that leads us. I applaud this family for following in blind, assured faith where God leads and their story is now written on my heart. I have been undoubtedly changed after reading this memoir and it is something I wholeheartedly encourage others to read.
Abigail Follows has lived on three continents and understood the life stories of friends in three languages. She has been a cross-cultural missionaryfor 11 years. Abigail lives wherever God leads with her husband, two children, and cat, Protagonist. Hidden Song of the Himalayas is her first book. To learn more, visit www.abigailfollows.com
“I felt a sisterhood with Mary, who had changed all her plans for God even when she had no idea what God was doing. Mary, who had to travel to Bethlehem while great with child. Mary, who had her baby in a dirty stable without her mother there to tell her it would be okay. She may not have understood why, but she was willing. Willing to obey God, willing bear the Light of the World “to the people who walk in darkness.” Make me willing, God.”