It's a Girl!
We are so very excited! ๐
We hope she will be as beautiful inside and out as her amazing, brave, strong birthmama who loves her as much as we do!
We flew out west for the day to meet the sweet, wonderful expectant mama who chose us to parent her baby. We had lunch together, were surprised by a truly precious and memorable gender reveal with her and then went to her sonogram/Doctor appointment. I can hardly compose full sentences at this point because #alltheemotions, #allthelove. We are still processing everything, but we are so excited; so blessed by the Lord's perfect plan. Every moment of infertility and every moment of waiting led to this... we couldn't be more grateful for our beautiful, sweet expectant mama, this precious baby, the entire experience, our adoption agency, our consultant and all of you who are walking with us!!! God is so good! Praising Him! (And trying to manage all the happy tears). More to come, soon!