Envelope Fundraiser Kickoff...
We are so excited to share that our home study is done, y'all! At this time, we are now 99% of the way done with our clearances and paperwork before we can become "Active". We have one more clearance/fingerprinting process to go through for the state of Texas and we hope that will be complete soon.
In addition, our printed profile books have also arrived. We absolutely love how they turned out and we hope that any birth mamas who look through our book feel not only our love for her, but God's love as well as we celebrate her choice in choosing life for her child.
Our next step and current goal is to get our financing in place and have 100% of our funds available in a short amount of time, in case things progress quickly. As many of you know, we have a budget of $38,000 and we are applying for grants and a loan in addition to dutifully scrimping and saving. We have already saved $5,000 on our own and paid for all our costs up to this point with that savings in addition to the $900 we raised through our garage sale and $200 in online donations from three dear friends.
Many of you have asked if you could help in some small way and we now have a really great opportunity for you to get involved and become a part of our little "village'. But first, we want to share something from our hearts... Please know that we don’t take this lightly. To be asking you to contribute and sacrifice, we feel a great responsibility to honor you in the way we are spending our money. We are pretty thrifty as it is but we are being even more thoughtful about the dollars being spent every day. We are also allotting every dollar that is given, or raised, to go directly into a checking account that is STRICTLY for our adoption expenses. Anyway, we know we are asking a lot, but we are stepping out in faith believing that God will provide and we are humbled and honored by those of you who want to join us in this journey. With that being said, we hope you'll consider praying about, and for, our envelope fundraiser!
We are super excited about this fundraiser because we have heard from so many other adoptive families that it works and it's a great way for many people to become involved. With this fundraiser, we have the potential to raise over 2/3 of our financial goal! That's huge, you guys! We have been diligently praying about the fundraiser since it's conception and we are so excited to kick it off! Visit the link below for all the details...