Life In Numbers | Weekly Photo and Journal Challenge/Prompt

This week's challenge is brought to us by my friend, and fellow participant, Dawn Miller.

I just love Dawn's enthusiastic approach to memory keeping. As a mom of four, she keeps busy but still finds the time to celebrate a beautiful life and document it through Project Life. Below is her vision for this week and how she wants to encourage us to document how many times a day/week an activity takes place in addition to other fun number related memories.

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17 Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

4 Gallons of Milk

3 Pairs of Shoes

6 Card Games with My Son

6 Dog Walks A Day

"I chose things that are a big part of us right now...  These pictures document the changes in our lives, something I’m constantly thinking of.  

Here are my reasons for choosing these photos:  The pb&j  is a new obsession with me and has always been one for my husband. I never quite got why he liked them so much but now I eat one or two a day and get it now. It’s also gotten to where even the kids eat it more often now too,  this adds up to a lot of pb&j sandwiches around here. This week we ate 17 of them. 

The milk is another one,  we have changed the kind we drink and how much we drink. This week was a good week and we went through 3 gallons, that’s the goal each week. Now that the kids are home for summer this will probably go up to 4. 

The shoe shots are always always a favorite for me, anywhere and anytime with anyone.  It’s a good one for when teens/kids/anyone doesn’t want a picture but who can say no to a shoe shot.  I can’t remember most of the shoes I had growing up but my kids will pretty much know every shoe they’ve had thanks to all the shoe shots I take. Again, you see the changes in these too, the styles, weather, growth in feet all this adds up to your story. 

My son goes through spurts of playing cards with me, I LOVE cards but not everyone in the house does. Sam is the one who will play with me when he’s grounded, nothing is on tv or just to play with me. I have taught him several games and we play them all in long sitting. Once we start this little bonding time lasts from 3 days to a week.  Since he’s the only boy in the house too and I don’t do all the cool things he wants me to do I’m thrilled to have this one thing the two of us share. He tells jokes, he shares things with me and it’s just fun being together during this time. We played 6 games this week, YAY!! 

I wanted to capture the block house for the little boy I babysit for. He is so big into these now and is really getting good at making them into quite a house/tower/garage vs when he just would stick them with no end result in mind. He really thinks it over as he builds and changes them and even talks to them. I love this phase and seeing each one he builds is different from the others each time. I can see that he’s getting older and his imagination is growing again, so awesome to see this. Some days he builds one really awesome one and leaves it up all day, other times he builds and knocks down and builds again and again. This week he built 4 of them and they were great!!

Walking the dog is another favorite, I love going outside and it’s because of her that I get out so much. I have noticed on the days I babysit she wants out more and we definitely get out more in the summer then in the winter.  I walk her about 6 times on a busy day and 4 times on other days with my hubby who does the other walks with her on his own."

How many times a day or week do you do a specific thing?  How many numbers can you come up with to document this week?

Find Dawn Online:

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#HashtagThisWeek | A weekly photo & story prompt for memory keepers originated by Mandy Elliott of Turquoise Avenue designed to encourage others to take a photograph and spend time creating a story based on the weekly theme. Together, in collaboration with other talented creatives, #HashtagThisWeek is a free, fun, and inspiring challenge allowing you to join in any time, any way that best fits your schedule. Play along by sharing on social media under #hashtagthisweek or by linking up via