Coming 02.21.2015 - #ThisWeek - Weekly Photo / Story Prompt

How do you tell your story or your family's story? 

How do you record that little moment in life that made your heart smile? 

Did you photograph it? Did you write it down?  Did you mentally store it in your memories?

Telling your story is a wonderful idea. Not only is it special to you when you look back in years to come, but its special to those around you.  In a recent post, I shared how my husband thanked me out of the blue the other day for recording our memories in photos and with scrapbooks.   His sincere gratitude fueled my desire to further document our daily lives - to record the moments that happen and tell the story behind them.

Why?  Because those little moments MATTER.  Life's circumstances and decisions affect us, shape us into who we are and show us what we value in life, creating the legacy we leave behind.

This left me thinking, how do I record my life, his life, our life?

Why, with photos and with words, of course.

Camera Corkboard Element by Digital Design ESsentials

Mandy E.Comment