In the Evening | Daily Life Photography
This week's prompt is "in the evening."
As I took my photos for the prompt, I kept thinking how boring they were... Our evenings now for several years have consisted of much the same thing. We cook dinner, eat, watch some tv, and go to bed.
But then I really started thinking about our evenings... How special they are. How thankful we are to come home to a warm house, after a long day at work, and spend precious, valuable time TOGETHER.
Sometimes he cooks, sometimes I cook. We almost always clean up together.
Sometimes I watch TV, sometimes he watches TV. Some shows we watch together.
Sometimes I play on my phone, sometimes he plays on his phone. But regardless, we sit together.
Togetherness is something so important for any marriage to thrive. Its an aspect of life we all crave. Being together as a couple unites us, strengthens us, teaches us, and fulfills us.
So with that being said, I'm happy our evenings are boring. As long as we're together.