Introducing Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer. A True Story of How You Can Talk With God, by Laura Wifler, illustrated by Catalina Echeverri

* I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book from The Good Book Company and all thoughts are my own. I was not required to post a positive review. Please know, this blog post includes affiliate links . View my affiliate disclosure here.


A valuable new storybook that instills the wonder and responsibility of conversations with God in little hearts and minds using a fun, beautifully illustrated format that offers not only the Gospel message, but insight into how and when to pray.

Popular podcaster and co-founder of Risen Motherhood, Laura Wifler, has released a sweet, profound book for children on the topic of prayer. This tender picture book gives children a Biblical perspective on the history of prayer - walking children through the beginning at Creation, the fall of man, Jesus’ arrival, death and resurrection and the many ways we can talk to God when we believe and trust in Him.

About This Book:

This beautifully illustrated Bible storybook, by Risen Motherhood co-founder Laura Wifler, takes children on a journey from the start of the Bible story to the end. From Eden and God’s presence, through the fall, redemption, and the Spirit’s presence with us now, to our presence with God in the future, God has always made a way for his people to talk with him. Children will learn a biblical understanding of prayer, why it’s amazing, and that they can enjoy talking with God about anything, anytime, anywhere.

My Review: I absolutely adore Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer! This new release is beautifully and diversely illustrated with a simple message of how and when children can pray.

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This storybook is Gospel-centered, using simple words to walk children through the beginning of time and ways Adam and Eve communicated with God. It carries through the fall of man when sin entered the world, and shows that even though our relationship with God changed because of sin, our communication with Him could still be any time, any place.

The story continues to show Jesus’ arrival, life, death and resurrection, and the intercession of the Holy Spirit. It reinforces the idea that God has always provided a way to communicate with Him. It shows how we can express our love for Him as well as our needs for forgiveness, guidance and help. The book continues with intercession for others, gratitude for what God has given us and demonstrates a handful of places kids can pray, reminding them that any time, any place is perfect for prayer!

The illustrations in this storybook are so sweet and engaging! My daughter, age 3, loved pointing out the various expressions and activities the children and people in this book were doing. The illustrations are diverse, both showing people of color and inclusive of children with disabilities. On many pages, there are little blurbs giving short, child-like examples of prayer.

In summary, this book offers a very BIG, important truth in a simple way that is easy for children to grasp and understand while also depicting a picture of the Gospel and the various roles of the Holy Trinity. I believe this is an excellent conversation starter for children on the importance of prayer while showing children both how and when to pray and I highly recommend it!