A ★★★★ Book Review of When Tides Turn (Waves of Freedom Book #3) by Sarah Sundin
* Note: All thoughts below are my own. I was not compensated to write this review. However, this blog post does include affiliate links which means I will receive a commission based on sales generated via these links.
★★★★ Book Number 43/50 | With America in the throes of World War II, this story allows us a personal glimpse of the brave men and women who stepped up, doing whatever it took, to aid the war effort. This book opened an exciting look into the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service), the U.S. Navy's reserve program for women.
Like Through Waters Deep and Anchor in the Storm (see my review here), this book was a love story/mystery. After having read the Wings of Glory series by same author, I found myself wishing these books were simply love stories with more complex characters. In When Tides Turn, as well in Through Water Deep (Book #1), I didn't feel like the mystery added anything to the story. I found myself wanting to rush through those parts of the books so I could get back to the beautiful dynamic between these two characters and their innermost thoughts. Sarah Sundin did a great job of creating characters that we could easily identify with in their personal struggles. While the characters' backgrounds weren't complex, they did discover more about themselves and about each other throughout the story. In addition, I enjoyed the fact that "gang" from the first two books continued their stories in this one and we are able to read more about where they left off.
I gave this book four stars because it is a delightful, easy read with likable characters and fantastic history, thoroughly researched by the author. However, I wanted, and even expected, a little more from this author for the characters in this book and the Waves of Freedom stories. Again, I wish the mystery had just been left out all together, but overall, I still found myself laughing or feeling distraught as Sarah Sundin brought the characters to life. And any author who has Pinterest boards available for her readers to coordinate with each book is a winner in my opinion! It was so fun to browse those boards while reading these stories!
“Even if you take side trips or spin around or veer off the path, the compass stays true. You can always find your way. ”
Pick up your own copy of When Tides Turn (Waves of Freedom #3) here or borrow it from your local library. Then, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the book in the comments below!
P.S. I also highly recommend the Wings of Glory series also by Sarah Sundin!