9x12 I Like You and Naps Layout | Featuring Elysian by One Little Bird Designs.

Woohoo, it's Thursday! One day closer to the weekend!  I have to admit I'm looking forward to some time to unwind after a busy work week.  But first, I'm going to share a little #pocketpagethursday layout with you from my 2016 9x12 Pocket Page Album.

Over the winter months, we tend to relax more. I really like that change in pace and life.  Even our puppy seems to notice as she stays curled up in bed longer in the mornings and often searches for a blanket to snuggle under.  So when Peppermint Granberg of One Little Bird Designs released the new Elysian collection, my little heart when pitter-patter with excitement!  As a part of her 2016 creative team, I was able to work with this set right away and simply fell in love with it.


9x12 I Like You and Naps Layout | Featuring Elysian by One Little Bird Designs.
9x12 I Like You and Naps Layout | Featuring Elysian by One Little Bird Designs.

I just LOVE the phrases in this collection. "I like you and naps." I mean, really?! It's so adorable!   Instead of pulling the florals from this beautiful collection, I curated the phrases.  I love how well they work with my photos - since I seem to have many of our Addie who simply likes to nap!

I also have to add that the 9x12 size is really perfect for me. I'm so happy I decided to attempt this size.  I've simply been trimming down all my Design F page protectors and slipping in my photos. It's so simple and I love the symmetrical, grid view of a completed layout.