In the Past | Weekly Photo and Journal Prompt/Challenge for Memory Keepers

Sometimes I find myself feeling nostalgic... reminiscing of days gone by, reliving memories from the past.  Its the source that fuels my passion for memory keeping and encourages the desire to document the aspect of our daily lives.  This week, I encourage you to dig up some old photos and create a spread around them, tell a story about those photos, or document something that happened in the past.

#HashtagThisWeek | A weekly photo & story prompt for memory keepers originated by Mandy Elliott of Turquoise Avenue designed to encourage others to take a photograph and spend time creating a story based on the weekly theme. Together, in collaboration with other talented creatives, #HashtagThisWeek is a free, fun, and inspiring challenge allowing you to join in any time, any way that best fits your schedule. Play along by sharing on social media under #hashtagthisweek or by linking up via