Minimalist 9x12 Project Life Layout featuring One Little Bird and Feed Your Craft! Coupon Inside!

Happy Memory Keeping Monday, friends!

Minimalist 9x12 Project Life Layout by Mandy Elliott of Turquoise Avenue featuring designs from One Little Bird and flair from Feed Your Craft! Coupon code included!

This time of year, things start to get busier and busier. The rush of the holiday season begins and I find myself having less and less time in my scrapbook room.  When that happens, I find myself leaning more towards minimalist, clean layouts.  

Minimalist 9x12 Project Life Layout by Mandy Elliott of Turquoise Avenue featuring designs from One Little Bird and flair from Feed Your Craft! Coupon code included!

I have recently discovered a favorite new combination - pairing Peppermint Granberg's beautiful, stark designs with the eye catching, three dimensional flair from Feed Your Craft.  I keep a dish of my favorite flair right on the top of my desk so they're only a reach away and I love popping them on a layout as the perfect embellishment.  This layout features the newest collection from One Little Bird, called Honeycrisp.  In addition, I added flair buttons from the So Thankful set, available in Elise's store at Feed Your Craft on Etsy.

Minimalist 9x12 Project Life Layout by Mandy Elliott of Turquoise Avenue featuring designs from One Little Bird and flair from Feed Your Craft! Coupon code included!

Want 20% off your mini flair order from Feed Your Craft?

Use coupon code MANDY20 at checkout!

Minimalist 9x12 Project Life Layout by Mandy Elliott of Turquoise Avenue featuring designs from One Little Bird and flair from Feed Your Craft! Coupon code included!


What combination are you loving lately?  I'd love to hear from you!

Products Used:  Becky Higgins Page Protector | Honeycrisp by One Little Bird | So Thankful by Feed Your Craft | Feathers via the October Felicity Jane subscription box |